Abhijatini štirje dnevi julija so bili prvotno mišljeni kot naš skupni dogodek v navezavi na mednarodni dan joge (21.6.). Izkazalo se je, da bi več soorganizatorjev bilo preveč zapleteno, zato je nemško združenje prevzelo koordinacijo.
Če se nameravate prijaviti, je treba istočasno vplačani zahtevano vsoto na račun nemškega združenja in jim poslati sporočilo; zelo hitro potem potrdijo, seveda pa povezavo na zoom dobimo tik pred dogodkom. Preverite njihov fizični naslov na njihovi spletni strani (sicer se po navadi v tujino ne da plačevati s tekočega računa).
Morda bomo delile/delili skupni jogijski prostor z Abhijato!
Dear fellow students of Iyengar Yoga,
We are pleased to announce that Abhijata Iyengar has accepted our invitation to teach an Online Workshop hosted by the German Association (IYD).
- Times / Dates: July 9th – July 12th, 2020 – each day from 7:30 till 9:30 AM, CEST.
- Workshop fee: 60 €
- Online via Zoom
Abhijata is of course one of the most experienced teachers at RIMYI in Pune and a leading figure in the present efforts to help spread Iyengar Yoga around the world. Further information about her is available online.
- Send an email to info@iyengar-yoga-deutschland.de with your full name and country of residence.
- Transfer the fee (60 €) to the Giro Account of the IYD e.V. with the
BLZ: 860 100 90 – Kto.-Nr.: 607 279 909
IBAN: DE22 8601 0090 0607 2799 09
Purpose / Reference: Abhijata 2020 / Your last name, first name
After completing both steps you have then formally reserved your spot in the workshop. A confirmation email will be sent. Completed registrations (= both steps!) will be accepted strictly in chronological order as they arrive. Attendence numbers are restricted due to the nature of our technical structure.
The link to log in to the workshop will be sent per email shortly before the first class.
Recording the workshop classes by the participants will not be allowed. The IYD will provide a link to the recording of each class, which will be valid for 72 hours after the class has ended.
Sending your personal login link for the classes on to others is not allowed.
Prerequisite for attendance is a working knowledge of the basics of Iyengar Yoga (= about 1 year of class). All qualified students can register, world wide.
Abhijata teaches in English, there will be no translation online.
We welcome all to join us for this unusual and happy event and hope we can contribute to uniting all of Guruji’s students here in Germany, in Europe and around the world.
The German Iyengar Yoga Association, IYD